How To Get DJs To Play Your Music In 5 Easy Steps [#djtonyhcom]

DJs can provide immense exposure for your music. 
A good remix of your track, put out by a popular DJ 
can transform your music career.

Below are 5 easy steps to get your music played by DJs:

1. Send a personalized email

DJs receive plenty of emails on a daily basis. Send them a personalized email to stand out from the crowd. Include a punchy email subject line to attract their attention. Be specific in your message as to why you want them to play your music. DJs value exclusives. No one will take your music seriously if you send out a random email blast.

2. Send in tracks that fit well with the DJs’ style

Before you send out music, research the DJ’s music style. DJs receive enough music in the genre they usually play. They wouldn’t particularly be interested in including music that doesn’t blend well with their sets. It is wise to analyze each DJs vibe and determine if your music can fit into their style. Send in your music only to those DJs, whose music you can connect with.

3. Provide a brief introduction about yourself and the track

Include a short artist bio and some information about the track. A brief background information provides DJs with an insight into your music. You can even mention how you admire a particular DJ’s work to make the email more personal. End the email by providing relevant contact details. Include links to your website and all your social media accounts. Craft a short, yet informative email to get the DJs’ attention.

4. Upload the track online and attach a URL in the email

Upload your track to Wetransfer, Dropbox or Soundclound and attach the URL link in the email. DJs find it easier to visit the link and download the track. MP3s take too long to download and most DJs will not have the time to wait. Additionally, a streamable version enables DJs to preview the track before downloading it. If you want DJs to remix your music, include a wav file of your track. Send your music in specific formats to make mixing easy.

5. Follow up with the DJ's

Send a polite email, a couple of weeks after submitting your music. Don’t spam DJs with follow up requests. If a DJ rejects your track, be polite and get helpful feedback. Find out how you can polish your track to suit their needs. Further, work on your productions before you reach out to other DJs. Constructive feedback can be extremely useful to produce tracks that DJs prefer. So don’t hesitate to ask.

A great way for emerging bands and artists to get exposure is through DJ support. So track down suitable DJs for your music and roll out your best demos.

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