3 Types of Artists & Why Most Will Never Make a DIME doing Music [@MakinItMag #djtonyhcom]

Are you living off of music..
Or is it living off of you?

Are you using money from Shows and Online Sales to pay your bills OR are you punching a clock and hustling up money to pay for production and studio time. There are 3 different types of independent artists. Which category you fit in will determine whether or not you make money doing music.

1. The Dreamers

80% of independent artists fall into this category and will never make a dime doing music simply because they never will never spend a dime doing music. These are the artists who love music but don’t believe in themselves enough to take it seriously. This category includes some of the dopest lyricists and songwriters whose talent is hidden behind poorly mixed songs recorded over mediocre free beats.

2. The Doers

This is the 19% of independent artists that believe in themselves.  What separates them from the dreamers is they understand its up to them to make their dreams come true and they’re willing to invest their own time, money and energy to make things happen.These are the artists you see on Worldstar, Livemixtapes, Showcases and in Major Email blasts. These are the artists who spend money on beats, studio time and promotion but still aren't bringing in any money from music or aren’t making nearly as much as they're spending to do music.

3. The Winners

We finally come to the 1% of artists who are actually making money doing music. What separates them from the doers is they understand the difference between activity (Doing) and productivity (winning). The doer simply does what he sees other people doing whether or not it makes sense for his particular situation while Winners are more selective with the things that they do, focusing their attention on things that will help them reach their goals.

Which category do you fit in?

You might be a Dreamer if…
  • You believe its anybody else’s responsibility to make you rich or famous
  • You believe you are above paying for beats, studio time, promotion, performance opportunities or general services to progress your career you are a dreamer.

You might be a Doer if...

  • You have a project on livemixtapes or worldstar but don’t have your own website (YOU.com)
  • You have you spent money on radio promotion in cities you’ve never been to.
  • You have music videos but don’t have professional photos or a bio.

Why am I writing this?

Makin’ It Magazine’s helps independent artists become WINNERS. If you’re a dreamer there isn’t much we can do for you (thats a battle you have to fight for your self), but if you're a doer and looking for some serious direction to help you start making money from your music we’re having a Music 101 workshop covering Music & Money on April 19 in Atlanta. This is a 2 hour group consulting session that will go over important information including
  • How much MONEY do I need to successfully release a mixtape, album or single
  • Making Money from your music
  • Finding investors or sponsors
  • Avoiding industry scams
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